
Term & Condition


Please read carefully

I’m committed to providing high-quality website development services with a convenient payment structure. To ensure
transparency and safeguard against potential misuse, we have updated our payment policy effective.

1. Initial Payment Options:

  • A down payment of Rs 5,000 is required for projects with a total cost of less than Rs 20,000.
  • Projects with a total cost of Rs 20,000 and above require 50% of the total amount.

2. Installment Payment Plan:

  • After the initial payment, your project will start and the final payment will be due when the project is 95% complete.

4. Due Dates and Consequences:

  • Each installment payment invoice will have a specified due date.
  • It is imperative for clients to settle the installment payment before the due date.
  • Failure to make payments by the due date will result in cancellation of the invoice and project.
  • In such cases, the full website will be removed from our server.

5. Reactivation Fee:

  • If a client wishes to resume the website development after cancellation due to non-payment, a reactivation fee of 2,500 LKR is applicable.
  • Simultaneously, the client is required to settle any overdue installment payments to proceed with the project reactivation

6. Ownership and Refund Policy:

  • If the reservation is canceled before one week of advance payment, 25% of the amount paid will be retained and the remaining 75% will be refunded.
  • In the event of cancellation, if a client has not provided server details or access to our development website,they will retain ownership of the domain name only.
  • In case of cancellation after one week of advance payment of the project, there will be no refund of the initial payment.

7. Notice Regarding Late Payments:

  • In the event of late installment payments, we would like to notify clients that we cannot guarantee adherence to the initially communicated project finish date.
  • Crowdlinee Srilanka holds no responsibility for project delays caused by late payments. Timely payments are crucial for the smooth progression of the development process.
  • These adjustments are essential to maintain the efficiency of our services and uphold the commitment to quality that Crowdlinee Srilanka is known for. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

8. Guarantee Period:

  • The website has a 6-month guarantee period for all system errors. Additional charges will apply for error fixes after this period.
  • During the guarantee period, the client is not responsible for manual errors and is not charged for their correction.
  • Defects caused by the client during the guarantee period will incur additional charges for correction.

9. Project Progress:

  • Before project initiation, a rough sketch (Ui/Ux) will be provided. Once confirmed, content integration will begin to complete the project.

10. Client Responsibilities:

  • The client is responsible for providing accurate and timely information.
  • Any defects caused by the client will require additional payment for correction.

11. Scope Changes:

  • Any changes to the project scope requested by the client may result in additional charges and an adjusted timeline.

12. Intellectual Property:

  • Upon full payment, the client owns the intellectual property rights of the finalized project. Until then, the web design company retains ownership.

13. Confidentiality:

  • Both parties agree to keep confidential information, including project details and communications, private.

14. Dispute Resolution:

  • In the event of a dispute, both parties agree to engage in good faith negotiations to resolve the issue amicably.

15. Termination:

  • Either party has the right to terminate the agreement if the other party breaches its obligations, with notice and an opportunity to rectify the breach.